
Age 39, Male


Brevard Community College

Lou-Evil, KY

Joined on 8/1/05

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Okay, I know I'm always on top of any and all things on the internet, (sarcasm), so I finally got around to checking out this Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Intelligent Design.

Okay so far all I've got is that somebody got mad that some teacher was teaching Creationism in a science class. For those of you who don't know what Creationism is, it's basically the making of the omniverse by a higher power, (i.e: God and his first week in office.) So the parents of a kid in the class took it to court and ended up winning(?) the case so that religion was not to be taught in school... again.

So then there's this guy who thought he was a smart-ass and wrote a letter to the Kansas School Board, going on about a stupid satire on religion, claiming to believe in a "Flying Spaghetti Monster" who was the Creator of all things and , unlike God it seems, is still ever-present in the world. So now he's got all these stupid agnostics who didn't know what to believe in saying, "Hey, this'll show those religious fanatics!"

But then at the end of the day, it's no better than any other religion. If you look at the home page of the Church of the F.S.M., you'll see that they have a store with stupid T-shirts, posters, coffee mugs, and other commercialist fodder; and they have already raised in excess of $10,000, which the leader of this cult says will pay for a "floating pirate ship church in which all of the followers are invited to worship in." However, if you were trying to make fun of religion, why would you go about it this way? Isn't selling FSM stuff just as bad as selling WWJD merch? You might as well watch the 700 Club and buy every $50 vial of holy water you can come across.

Okay! There are many things I don't get about it:

1:) Why a Spaghetti Monster? Was he trying to find a figurehead of his new religion while enjoying a tasty meal at Fazoli's?
2:) What do pirates have to do with any of it? In the letter to the Kansas School Board, there was a graph included with "scientific evidence" as to why the Spaghetti Monster caused the undoing of pirates by raising the temperature of the world.
3:) ehhh... I won't go on anymore. It poses too many questions for one kid to ask.


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